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St. John’s Episcopal Church in Honeoye Falls, NY is an open, welcoming congregation of all ages, worshiping Christ and living out the Gospel in our local community. At Saint John’s, EVERYONE is welcome at the Lord’s Table. We are a Believe out Loud congregation, which means that we not only welcome, but we affirm all sexual orientations and gender identities. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, know that Saint John’s is a safe and caring place. This is our prayer for our life together:


All-knowing God, we pray that the doors of St. John’s Church, Honeoye Falls, are an open gate to your eternal kingdom. With open hearts and open minds we pray also that all we do and say is done and said to your honor and glory.  Hear our prayer, Lord; in you we are not alone.


We invite you to learn more about us through this website or by subscribing to our mailing list below. If there is anything we can do to help make Saint John’s a spiritual home for you, please let us know.

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