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Helpful Links

The Episcopal Church

This link provides information about the Episcopal Church, our faith, our ministry, and our tradition.


Episcopal Church Glossary

The Episcopal Church has a language all its own, with many historic terms and phrases. This very useful link within the Episcopal Church website gives succinct definitions of various words, phrases, and names within the Episcopal Church.


The Episcopal Diocese of Rochester

This website provides an overview of the Diocese, the Diocesan staff, the Bishop, our leadership, and activities within the Diocese.


The Daily Office

This website, a ministry of the Cathedral in Indianapolis, provides online Morning and Evening Prayer, with information about the respective daily observances.  The site has special sections for Addicts, for LGBT persons, and others.  Live Webcasts occur at multiple times throughout the day, with the main webcast at 9 a.m. Central Standard Time.


The Online Book of Common Prayer

This website contains the entire 1979 Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. The website is useful for looking up the Prayer Books Services, Historical Documents of the Church, Tables for Finding Holy Days, and the Catechism.  It also has links to the Lectionary, the Daily Office Lectionary, and various translations of the Holy Bible. 


The Lectionary Page

This website provides a liturgical calendar of the year with links to each of the scriptural passages for the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), Psalm, New Testament and Gospel readings for each Sunday, as well as the feast days of the year.  Scriptural passages are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible © 1989.

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